Monday, November 29, 2010


Thanksgiving this year was a little different because I had to work. My parents came over and we ate about Noon, then I had to leave. We had lots of extra food even though It was a pretty low key event.

Katrina's looming projects

Katrina has been busy working on some baby hats the last few days. She used a loom for these but she does know how to crochet and knit. She does not get that talent from me:)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


This last few months alot of exciting things have been happening. I took my Nursing Assistant Certified classs that I LOVED and did really good. I took my state written test and skills test and PASSED. So I am now certified with the state of Washington as a NAC. I am pretty excited to have this under my belt as this was one of the last big things I needed to accomplish before I can apply to the RN program.
Now that I have my certification under my belt I decided to apply for a position at a facility in town to earn some extra money and get some job exsperiance in the Nursing field. I applied for and got the job all in one day. I start Friday. After my initial training I will start working weekend afternoons. Im so excited since I really have not had an opportunity to work with so many little kids at home and Brians busy schedule and traveling.