Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Pre-Christmas Happenings

This is our pathetic little elf tree. We went small this year because Brian needs room to get around the house in his wheelchair. Next year we are putting up a full size tree, even if it means Brian has less room. Sorry honey, it's just not the same.
Every year the kids get all their presents out, put them in a pile and count them. They know who has more and who has the biggest. Then they try to guess what they have. Jenna has the biggest present and she guessed it is a life size barbie. Yeah right!

Quinton just likes taking everyones presents and licking them. There must be some magical power in licking them.
I am not beyond bribery. I like when the kids rooms are clean at Christmas time so when they haul their load of toys to their room they don't trip and die. They were lucky enough to get bribed instead of threatened to clean their room. They clean so much faster that way too.

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