Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Quad Rugby

Rugby is a pretty rough sport. Put a bunch of guys in wheelchairs and let them go at it and you get quad rugby. This sport is not for wussies. Brian has been to two practices and really enjoys playing with the guys.
They put gloves on and cover them with a "sap" like substance to help them pick up the ball and grip better. The guys get pretty rough and bang into each other. They sound like a stampede of bulls.

Brian had a really good time and he hopes that all the exercise will strengthen his upper body. I know I was worn out just from watching them wheel around.

You don't have to be wheelchair bound in order to play quad rugby. You need to have some sort of impairment to all four limbs. I saw one guy walk in pushing his chair. You could tell he was a quad by looking at his hands. The fingers were curled up like Brians. Hopefully one day Brian will walk behind his chair too.


Clarissa said...

I would love to see that!!!

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

Susie Q said...

What exactly do you mean?

Anonymous said...
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